Posts tagged Low-FODMAP
Pancreatic Cancer, Pancreatitis and IBS Connection: Don’t Let Your Symptoms Go Unchecked

Diseases of the pancreas can mimic other medical conditions, and accurate diagnosis is crucial. With the increase in access to information through social media it is becoming more and more common to hear about individuals who were incorrectly diagnosed (or self-diagnose), only to find out later that it was a more serious condition.

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Fatty Liver Disease & IBS: Supporting Your Gut-Liver Axis and How to Eat If You Have Both Conditions

Have you heard of the ‘gut-liver axis’? Truth be told, our liver and gut are highly connected and one system can impact the other. So if you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and have also been told you may have a fatty liver or diagnosed with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), then this might not be simply a coincidence! 

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Do Added Sugars Wreak Havoc on Your Gut-Microbiome? What You Need to Know!

In this article we break down added vs natural sugars, how high intake of added sugars may negatively impact the gut-microbiome, and how to consider a balance of sugars in your diet to support a health gut-microbiome.

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Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Post-biotics for IBS and Interstitial Cystitis

In this podcast interview with Interstitial Cystitis Dietitian Callie, I discuss key nutrients to support gut health, how they relate to interstitial cystitis and IBS, and break down the topic of fermented foods for gut health.

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How to Eat Out Confidently and Avoid a Flare-Up When You Have IBS

If you have IBS or suspected IBS, you likely feel a level of stress or fear when you think about eating out at a restaurant or away from home. Here are the top strategies as a Dietitian and IBS expert I recommend to keep in mind to prevent a flare-up and eat out confidently with IBS.

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