Posts tagged Healthy Eating
10+ Ways to Measure Your Health & Progress Without the Weight Scale (Part 2)

Instead of focusing on habit changes and consistency with those changes to support our health, we become fixated on the number on the scale and it detracts from the holistic picture. As a Dietitian, here are the top ways to measure your health and progress with your diet and lifestyle habits (WITHOUT the weight scale!).

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What Science Says: Why Weight Isn’t a Reliable Indicator of Health Status (Part 1)

Think of how often we are hit with weight-centred approaches to health. Body weight literally tells us how much our body weight is in total. But it tells us nothing about what’s ACTUALLY going on inside our body. So, why do we place so much emphasis on our body weight? Let's break down the science on why weight ISN'T a reliable indicator of health.

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Lectins Unveiled: Lectin Free Diets and How to Reduce Anti Nutrients

Let’s talk about lectins, and why you shouldn’t fear them! Popular diets like paleo and Whole30, as well as books like the Plant Paradox claim that dietary lectins cause increased gut permeability and drive autoimmune diseases like arthritis and diabetes. There are a few big name influencers online who propose a lectin free diet as the key to good health and staving off disease.

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Do Added Sugars Wreak Havoc on Your Gut-Microbiome? What You Need to Know!

In this article we break down added vs natural sugars, how high intake of added sugars may negatively impact the gut-microbiome, and how to consider a balance of sugars in your diet to support a health gut-microbiome.

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Why Good Sleep Hygiene is Essential For IBS Freedom and Optimal Gut Function

Among the various factors that contribute to IBS symptoms developing, sleep disturbances and poor sleep hygiene are gaining increasing recognition. Let’s get into why sleep hygiene is crucial for managing IBS and optimal digestive health and natural steps to improve your sleep quality.

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How to Eat Out Confidently and Avoid a Flare-Up When You Have IBS

If you have IBS or suspected IBS, you likely feel a level of stress or fear when you think about eating out at a restaurant or away from home. Here are the top strategies as a Dietitian and IBS expert I recommend to keep in mind to prevent a flare-up and eat out confidently with IBS.

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