12 Types of Foods That Cause Gas and How to Ease Their Effects


The topic you all love to ask me about. I had lots of fun answering questions all about gas (flatulence) in this recent interview with Shape Magazine! ⁠

Gas (aka flatulence or wind) is a completely normal phenomenon, and is a sign that our body is breaking down and digesting nutrients such as fibre and carbohydrates.

However, when gas becomes incredibly painful and affects your quality of life (very common in those with IBS and SIBO), it might be a sign that something is not right and your gut needs some extra support.

In this article, myself and another digestive health expert discuss: ⁠

  • What foods cause gas? ⁠

  • Is gas normal? ⁠

  • When is gas NOT normal?⁠

  • What else besides foods can cause gas?⁠

  • How can we prevent/reduce uncomfortable gas?⁠

  • Conditions that cause gas (IBS, SIBO, IMO, Crohn’s, Colitis, Celiac’s, Motility Disorders and others)

  • When should you see a healthcare professional about excess gas?

Want to read the full article?

If you are having issues tolerating foods, the answer is not more restriction! Please reach out so we can work together to look deeper into your diet and lifestyle, identify your specific triggers, and create a plan to help you increase your diet diversity and build up your gut microbiome while finding freedom from symptoms. 

If you're interested in working together, apply for coaching with me here.

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