The Power of California Prunes: Digestive Benefits

bowl of dried prunes next to fresh prunes

Call me crazy, but I LOVE prunes (aka dried plums). Their juicy, sweet flavour is incomparable to other dried fruits in my opinion... something about them is just so delicious!

What’s even better, is that they are my “digestive” secret weapon. How so? Well I will let you on a little secret... When I’m away on travels, something that often happens (which I am sure you are familiar with) is that my system gets a little thrown off. I think you know what I mean… things slow down, and get a little, err.. “backed up”. Let’s just say that when my digestion is out of sorts, I just don’t feel quite like myself.

But, I don’t let the stress of travels stop me anymore. Along in my suitcase is my trusty package of dried prunes California Prunes, for a tasty snack that also helps keep me regular. They aren’t just for folks at the old age home anymore.

Read on to learn about the power of prunes for your digestive health.

California Prunes Support Regularity

California Prunes contain natural compounds that help keep things moving:


Prunes are high in both soluble and insoluble fibre. Soluble fiber attracts water and helps bind things together. It helps slow down digestion so that nutrients can be properly absorbed. Insoluble fiber helps add bulk to stools and helps to speed things up in our digestive system. We need a balance of both types of fiber to keep our digestive tract health.

spoon of dried prunes


Prunes contain a natural amount of “sorbitol”, a sugar alcohol with a natural laxative effect. In our digestive tract, sorbitol draws in water, helping to soften our stool which makes it easier to pass. California Prunes are higher in sorbitol than other dried fruits, which is why they call them nature’s remedy!

However, as this is a FODMAP, you may wish to caution them if you have IBS.


Prunes contain large amounts of natural antioxidants called phenols. These important compounds act as natural laxatives, as they are not fully absorbed by the small intestine but are fermented by gut bacteria. The antioxidant activity may also help to prevent chronic disease such as cancer and heart disease.  

plate of oatmeal topped with prunes, almonds and apricot served with honey and milk


When I worked in a clinical (aka hospital) setting, constipation was common. Side effects of medications, stress, etc…not the best concoction for gut health! But before pushing laxatives and other invasive measures, thankfully I would get consulted as the RD for my nutritional therapies to support a digestive tract. This usually looked like a combination of increasing water drinking, more veggies, and YUP you guessed it.. a daily dose of California Prunes to help keep things moving!

Studies have compared whole prunes to psyllium as a treatment for constipation. In a study done with 40 constipated individuals, dried plums were found to be more effective than psyllium for the treatment of mild to moderate constipation, and were recommended to be considered as a first line therapy.

Prunes have even been studied to support their benefits. Another study recent study done in healthy individuals found that a daily serving of California Prunes (80-120g) significantly increased stool frequency in healthy individuals with a long term history of low bowel movement frequency.

Like my motto for everything, FOOD FIRST. If you struggle with constipation, try adding in a serving of prunes (4-5) per day before reaching for pharmaceutical or other measures like laxatives (which we want to avoid relying on).  


As mentioned, California Prunes contain a high amount of polyphenols. Most polyphenols pass through the small intestine intact, so they make it to the large intestine act and interact with gut microbiota in the colon and act as a fuel source. It is thought that phenols may inhibit growth of pathogenic (bad) bacteria, and may act as a prebiotic fuel by stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria.  

In one study, prunes increased experimental subjects gut concentration of Bifidobacterium, a species that helps support regular digestion. More studies are needed however to determine how prunes affect microbial diversity when consumed regularly.

person holding gut

How to Eat Prunes

If you are looking to include them in your diet, aim for a daily serving of 4-5 whole California Prunes to reap the benefits.

The possibilities are endless, but here are some ideas to eat more prunes:

  •       Grab and go snack: California Prunes with a handful of almonds or walnuts

  •       Slice them and add to a salad (they pair beautifully with blue cheese & beets)

  •       Add them to oatmeal for a natural sweetness

  •       Plum berry chia pudding: combine 4-5 chopped prunes, 2 tbsp chia seeds, 1 cup almond milk, tsp vanilla extract, and ½ cup blackberries in a jar overnight for a make ahead breakfast

Even better.. why not try out this No-Bake Prune Power Balls Recipe!

no bake prune power balls

The Takeaway

Aside from digestive health, California Prunes also support the health of our bones as they contain an assortment of bone-supporting nutrients and minerals (boron, Vitamin K, potassium to name a few). For more on prunes & bone health, see my previous post.

That’s all for today, but hoped you enjoyed my talk on California Prunes & don’t forget to put them on your next shopping list! (and stash a few in your travel bag ;)

For more gut-health and nutrition tips, be sure to follow along with me on instagram at leighmerotto_rd.

This post was sponsored by the California Prune Board. For more information visit

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