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Hey there, gut health warrior!

Tired of resorting to last-minute takeout or dealing with 'disaster dinners' that leave you bloated, cranky, tired, and stressed?


Discover the ultimate solution to streamline meal prep, banish bloating, save time and money, and lower inflammation NOW. Ready to reclaim your energy? Here’s the key to a healthier, happier you – don't miss out, your gut will thank you!

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You know you want to eat more meals at home to support your health and digestion and reduce inflammation, but are struggling to make it consistent with your busy schedule and life
You have the intentions to eat more whole foods, but often fear of triggering symptoms (bloating, gas) so you keep to simple 'safe foods'
You get stuck on what to make when mood and energy is low, and so you resort to takeout food
You make the point to sit down and plan meals but become overwhelmed with options
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Cool, calm and confident planning out your weekly meal prep for the week
Less bloated and MORE energy by eating more nutrient dense, balanced meals that support your gut-health and wellness!
Happy knowing you save time and stress each week with a streamlined system for planning and meal prepping your food (without endless boring tupperware meals or chill for the 6th day in a row)
Know EXACTLY what super fast meals to make when your time, energy and motivation is low that won’t trigger your bloating and sacrifice your progress in your health goals!
Then this Mini Course + Resource Bundle is EXACTLY what you need!

You’re going to walk away with a foolproof meal planning system that inspires you to eat more nutrient-dense meals at home, and takes the guesswork and stress out of meal planning and prepping healthy meals that support your gut-health.


In my mini course + resource bundle, you will discover:


The tried and true formula to create healthy, gut-friendly meals -How to create a weekly menu plan using key tips that save money and time


Obtain a stack of back up gut-friendly meal ideas so you know what to make when time, mood and energy is low


Add more diversity and nutrition in your diet with a simple meal planning and prepping system


Obtain skills to make grocery shopping more efficient and lower stress


And ultimately, walk away feeling beyond confident in how to plan, prep and shop for meals that support your budget, energy AND gut-health! 


Comprehensive Menu Planning Board with everything you need to know in one place

You'll receive tons of amazing resources and tips all in one place (an online interactive board that can be accessed via desktop or an app) to make the entire meal planning & prep a BREEZE!

What's included on the board:

  • Food safety/storage quick tips

  • My top healthy recipe sites, meal prep recipes

  • Meal planning instructions

  • Grocery shopping walkthrough

  • Summary on how to build healthy meals that support your gut-health and reduce bloating!

Prefer things hard-copy? No worries, you can print out any or all of the resources to keep handy with you as well!


Batch prep & meal planning guides to support gut health, reduce bloating and lower inflammation

My tried and true formula to build filling, nutrient dense meals that provide you with energy, help lower inflammation and feel your best inside and out! You’ll be able to simply plan and build meals with these quick reference guides.


2-Part Workshop Sessions to Build, Plan and Prep Gut-Friendly Meals (1-Hour Per Session)

Part 1: Building & Planning Gut-Friendly Meals

  • How to build filling, tummy friendly and nutritious meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner

  • Specific steps to plan out a week of meals

  • Healthy, tummy-friendly flavoring & condiments

  • Specific gut-friendly meal ideas to use when your time, motivation and/or energy is low

Part 2: Meal Prepping & Grocery Shopping for Gut-Health

  • Most efficient styles of meal prep, and what to use when

  • My number one meal prep style, and specific resources & lists so you can easily implement it at home

  • Grocery shopping hacks to save time & money

  • Food storage tips

Each session will leave you with actionable next steps to implement the strategies in real time!

Plus get access to these exclusive BONUSES:

BONUS 1: Build a Gut-Friendly Buddha Bowl (VALUE $77)

BONUS 2: Build a Gut-Friendly Sandwich (VALUE $77)

BONUS 3: Gut-Friendly Pantry Staples Guide (VALUE: $57)



Ready to beat the bloat and boost energy? Join now and get instant access to the lessons and resources to make this year your healthiest yet!

This entire mini-course bundle is valued at OVER $500, but it’s ALL YOURS for a fraction of the cost for

…only $59 CAD!

Sign up below, and take control of your gut-health now!

*You will receive 1-year online access to a portal containing the course lesson records & all the amazing templates and resources.





What would it be like to NOT have to constantly be stuck in a vicious cycle of confusion around what meals to make that won’t cause you to feel bloated and tired, and then succumb to the same simple meals or takeout?

Let’s get you OUT of this rut, and help you make a gut-friendly, anti-inflammatory diet a piece of cake for you!





“When I signed up for this bundle, my hope was that I would learn to become more creative when meal planning and less anxious about it. When it came to food, I often ate the same meals out of fear that straying from my usual diet would lead to digestive issues. This, in turn, caused a lot of boredom. I felt unmotivated when meal planning because I was simply eating out of necessity. I came in with the mindset of a perfectionist. This bundle has been incredibly helpful in breaking that pattern. 

Leigh offers great solutions that can be easily implemented, because not only does she give incredible recipe suggestions, but she also explains how to create your own. I really love the idea of having a buffet of food that is ready to go —  this allows me to switch up my meals throughout the week, which means I don't become bored with what I eat. I also look for recipes throughout the week during down times and save them so that I have lots to choose from when I plan out my week. 

These strategies have allowed me to include a lot more variety in my diet, which personally, is what has helped my gut the most. Now, when I look at my fridge and see a colourful selection of food, I’m inspired and excited to eat, but also really proud of how far I have come in my food journey.”

Maude L.

"Struggling to prepare healthy, gut-friendly meals at home was a constant battle. I would often get frustrated and turn to unhealthy takeout.  My meals were unbalanced with very little protein. I was eating processed foods and felt tired and sluggish most days.  With Leigh’s program, I learned how to make balanced, well portioned meals made with whole foods that I enjoy.  Her engaging and interactive webinar has given me the building blocks to make quick and easy meals filled with nutritious ingredients.  She gave me the tools for healthy meal planning habits and provided great resources for cooking and grocery shopping.  My plate is now balanced, I no longer turn to takeout, and I have much more energy!"

Program Client


I’m Leigh, one of Canada’s leading Registered Dietitians with a focus on IBS, gut-health and fitness. I empower individuals to heal their gut and get to the root of their symptoms for good, in order to optimize fitness and live life to their full potential!

I know that meal planning and prepping can be a challenge in our busy lives. What’s more, is that sometimes our mood and energy is low due to different factors (like gut symptoms, bloat, gas and pain), and this becomes a negative cycle. More symptoms, means lower energy and motivation to cook, and this can mean more fast food, and/or less diet diversity… 

However, eating MORE whole foods at home and reducing inflammation through our diet is one of the BEST ways we can help to support our overall health, optimize our digestion, and prevent chronic disease.  You DO deserve to live a life without painful symptoms or fatigue, and with vibrancy every day.

Let’s get you the confidence to live the vibrant life you’ve always wanted through better meal planning and prepping habits!

Frequently Asked Questions
  • In order to make food at home, some activity in the kitchen is necessary! However, this workshop is for any level of cooking skills - we will discuss low prep foods, easy-peasy recipes, and quick meal ideas so you can feel confident to prepare more foods at home no matter your confidence in the kitchen. I know many of my clients ask me about quick meals to make when time and motivation are low, so in the resources provided, you’ll obtain a set of fast, healthy and gut-friendly meals you can make in under 20-minutes.

  • Absolutely! This workshop is for anyone looking to improve their energy and digestion through whole foods and a gut friendly diet! We will discuss some common gut triggers that will be friendly for an IBS/ SIBO tummy and reflux friendly as well. You will also benefit if you have general digestive issues, but are really looking for the ultimate solution to meal prepping and planning skills at home. I received rave reviews when I held this course live, so I know you WON’T be disappointed!

  • We will be reviewing common meal prep methods that you can use depending on your lifestyle & schedule, however I will be covering one style more in depth and providing extra resources as it is a strategy I encourage my clients to utilize in order to provide more diversity and nutrition in their diet.

  • For sure! This course is self-paced - meaning you can consume the lessons and access the resources any time it suits you, wherever you are in the world! I know some of you are planners, so you might be snagging this deal NOW and putting it in your calendar to practice after the holiday season and into 2023! You’ll get access to a super easy to use app, as well as a desktop version, so you can go through the lessons no matter what you’re doing - folding laundry, driving to an appointment, etc.!

  • You will receive 1-year access to an online course portal with the recordings, resources, menu planning board and bonus content! The portal is available on desktop or as a mobile app so you can access your resources on all your devices, whenever it suits you!

  • We do not offer refunds.

  • You’re going to walk away with simple meal planning and prepping strategies that inspire you to eat more nutrient-dense meals at home, and take the guesswork and stress out of meal planning and prepping healthy meals that support your gut-health!

    You'll walk away with confidence in how to set yourself up for sustainable habits when it comes to building nutritious meals, planning out your weekly meals, efficiently prepping and cooking your food, as well as food storage to make your food last.


Are you ready to gain the confidence to build more gut-friendly meals at home to reduce inflammation and improve your energy, and obtain a proven system to plan & prep meals at home? Then this is your sign!


This entire offer is valued at over $500, but it’s all yours for a fraction of the cost for

…only $59 CAD!

Sign up below, and take control of your gut-health and wellness now.

Can’t wait to get you meal planning & prepping like a rockstar!