Leigh Merotto, Registered Dietitian

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Fall Into Healthier Habits: 6 Strategies to Support Gut Health & Fitness

Welcome to October!

As we step into the glorious embrace of this fall month, it's natural to feel a shift in our routines and habits. The days are getting shorter, the air a little crisper, and the allure of cozy evenings at home becomes increasingly irresistible.

However, with these seasonal changes, our motivation to stay active and maintain our healthy eating habits may begin to dwindle.

Instead of succumbing to the “temptation of hibernation”, let's take a moment to reflect on how we can adapt and thrive during the fall and winter months to prevent falling off good habits.

Here are 6 strategies to help you support your gut-health and fitness as the season changes.

1. Explore New Indoor Workout Programs 💪

As the temperatures drop and the days grow shorter, our enthusiasm for outdoor exercise can plummet. However, this is the perfect opportunity to explore new indoor workout programs! Consider signing up for a new gym membership, joining a local yoga or Pilates class, or investing in home fitness equipment.

Regular exercise not only supports physical health but also plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy gut. It can aid in digestion, reduce inflammation, and promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

2. Partner Up for Meal Prep 🥗

During the fall and winter months, our desire for hearty comfort food tends to rise. It's essential to strike a balance between indulging in seasonal treats and maintaining a balanced diet that promotes gut health. One way to achieve this is by committing to a weekly meal prep routine with a friend, group of friend or a family member. Keep each other accountable through weekly check-ins using a group chat and take photos of your weekly meal prep.

Incorporate gut-friendly foods into your meal prep, such as fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, fermented foods like sauerkraut and kefir, and prebiotics like nuts, legumes and bananas. These foods support a diverse and healthy gut microbiome which can support your mood and immunity in the darker months.

P.S. Ready to support a gut friendly diet and robust gut-microbiome with proven meal planning and prepping strategies?

Grab the Ultimate Guide to Gut-Friendly Diet Meal Prep & Planning Now!

3. Cultivate New Daily Routines with Health Apps 📱

In addition to these strategies, consider integrating a select few health apps into your daily routine to support holistic habits and monitor health progress. While I recommend trying to NOT be on your phone most of the time, and prioritize “screen free” time, there are some apps that can help to support better health and may be useful in your journey.

These are a few top health apps I recommend:


Find yourself waking up feeling groggy and like you could sleep for just a little longer? This amazing app tracks your sleep cycles and wakes you up during your lightest sleep phase, so that you wake up feeling refreshed! 😴


Anxiety, sleep issues, trouble focusing? These can all impact our wellness, as well as our digestive health. This app has a collection of guided Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping sessions to help you to regulate your emotions, improve mindset and build resilience to stress. 🧘‍♀️


Habits are built with frequency, not time. This app is great for building out daily routines to create, track and sustain healthy habits. 📝


The OG fitness app for tracking activities like runs, bikes and workouts. Seeing what you've accomplished over the last month, 6-months or even a year is pretty rewarding. Making it a habit to track your workouts can help with consistency and motivation, as well as identify trends over time! 🥇

4. Embrace Seasonal Foods for Nutrient-Rich Meals 🍎

Autumn brings with it a cornucopia of delicious seasonal fruits and vegetables that can benefit your gut health. Take advantage of this bounty to create nutrient-rich meals that are both comforting and nourishing. Incorporate foods like squashes sweet potatoes, apples, and Brussels sprouts into your recipes. Some low FODMAP seasonal options include spaghetti and acorn squash, cranberries, kale, cabbage and pumpkin.

These ingredients are not only flavorful but also packed with vitamins and antioxidants that support your immune system during the colder months. They also provide fiber and prebiotics that nourish your gut microbiome. Remember to ‘eat the rainbow’ (your body and your gut will thank you!)

You may want to read: The Importance of Diet Diversity for a Healthy Gut and Finding Freedom From IBS

5. Engage in Mindful Movement 🧘‍♀️

As the days get darker and the weather less inviting, it's easy to become sedentary. However, autumn is an excellent time to prioritize “mindful” movement, which can positively impact your gut health.

Practices like yoga, self massage, or mindful walking (aka - leave your phone at home!) not only help you stay active but also promote relaxation and manage stress. Chronic stress can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria as well as lower immunity and fitness recovery, so managing stress is essential for gut health.

You may want to read: Vagus Nerve: Its Role in IBS and SIBO and How to Improve Function for Better Digestive Health

6. Plan Seasonal Outdoor Adventures 🌲

While indoor activities are essential for staying active during the fall and winter, don't forget to plan some seasonal outdoor adventures! Hiking, biking, or simply taking leisurely walks in nature can be incredibly rejuvenating.

Spending time outdoors can have a positive influence on your mental health, which in turn can benefit your gut health by reducing stress and promoting a balanced microbiome. Are there any trails within distance of your home? Grab a buddy, and plan out a weekly hiking adventure!

The Takeaway

By focusing on changing up your habits to accommodate the change in season, you'll not only navigate the autumnal transformation successfully but also nurture your gut, support fitness and promote overall wellness and vitality during the fall and winter months.

Enjoy the season to its fullest while taking care of your digestive health and fitness! 🍁🌟

Do you have any strategies you implement during the fall and winter months to support your digestive health, fitness and wellness? Comment below and let us know what works for you!

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